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Hardware Comparison-PS4 vs Xbox One

A question that prospective console purchasers ask frequently within the years to come is which is the better console, the Sony PlayStation 4 or perhaps the Microsoft Xbox One? In this article we consider the technical specifics of each console and compare them against the other person.
PS4 v Xbox One - CPU
At the guts of the the game console . is its processor. It is to blame for the raw power on the unit, whilst also linking all on the other components such RAM, hdd, graphics chip and optical drive together.
The PS4 and Xbox One use quite similar CPUs, both with all the Jaguar architecture expressed by AMD and including things like two quad-core modules giving an overall total of 8-core units.
The Xbox One runs at 1.75GHz, eventhough it was original specified as 1.6GHz but increased before launch by Microsoft engineers. The PlayStation's processor speed hasn't been officially released by Sony, eventhough it is claimed by skillfully developed being running at 1.6GHz. Although this is slower compared to Xbox, it is just a relatively small difference that it's unlikely to offer the Xbox with any noticeable real-world advantage. There is usually a sign which the Sony product includes a boost feature the place that the CPU speed may be momentarily increased when CPU intensive demand occurs, evidently this is not confirmed from the manufacturer.
A benefit for both consoles using quite similar architecture is producing games for each and every system doesn't have to become approached from two difference technical perspectives. A title written for that PS4 costs nothing to become ported across on the Xbox One with virtually no major re-engineering. This principle will also apply to PC versions of games as the CPU used is really a PC derived x86 architecture whilst the graphics processing is additionally PC based.
Both consoles utilize an Accelerated Processing Unit (or APU) setup. This system has the CPU and GPU (graphics processing unit) contained on a single chip. These new-generation consoles use AMD's third generation lower power APU architecture.
Xbox One v PS4 - Graphics Processing
Both consoles work with an AMD GPU using the Radeon HD 7000 number of personnel computer graphics cards. Despite this you will find differences relating to the two. On paper the PS4 graphics processor is 40 per-cent stronger with 1,152 shader processors allowing a throughput of a single.84 teraflops compared on the 768 shader processors with the Xbox One doing it a throughput of a.31 teraflops. In an attempt to counteract this deficit Microsoft chose to grow their GPU speed pre-launch on the standard 800MHz used through the HD 7000 chip to 853MHz. It is unlikely until this small rise in clock speed would provide a noticeable improvement together with the extra processing power from the PS4 letting it to perform more tasks simultaneously, in principle allowing more impressive visual effects.
Xbox One v PlayStation 4 - RAM
The Sony console also edges the Xbox on Random Access Memory (RAM) specification, while using PlayStation4 using GDDR5 RAM, whilst the One has more conventional DDR3 memory. Both units have 8GB of RAM.
The GDDR5 RAM is made for utilization in intensive applications like graphics cards since it incorporates a better bandwidth up to 100GB/sec more versus the DDR3. To counter this deficit the Xbox One also incorporates a 32MB eSRAM frame buffer to aid bridge the gap between two RAM types.
With a better GPU and faster memory it would appear which the PS4 marginally out does the Xbox for pure graphics power. Despite these advantages the Microsoft product returns that has a slightly faster processor (by around 10 percent) as well as the addition connected with an eSRAM buffer to free the stress for the Xbox One's main memory.
Taking these factors into consideration, it is sometimes complicated to proclaim one console clearly better compared to the other. The question concerning which is the best console would, the truth is, depend for the consumer's personal preference on matters like the feel on the controller, software features and exclusive games. Thanks for reading.

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Item Reviewed: Hardware Comparison-PS4 vs Xbox One Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Lucid Shanti
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